After sustaining personal injuries from an accident or actions of a negligent party, you may be wondering what to do next. You may be considering filing an injury claim or wondering if you can handle mounting medical bills and repair fees on your own. 

In all 50 states, you have the legal right to pursue compensation if another party was responsible for your injuries. If you are experiencing any of the following signs, consider speaking with a qualified injury attorney in your area:

You Experienced Serious Injuries

Serious injuries have the ability to disrupt your life and present big challenges now and in the future. After sustaining serious injuries, you may not know exactly what kind of treatment you will need in the future, especially if your injuries are permanent. If you consult an attorney, the attorney can speak with medical professionals to estimate what kind of ongoing medical treatments you will need and how much they may cost. 

If you choose to forgo your right to an attorney, you may not understand how much money you need to cover present and future medical expenses. “Personal injury cases can range anywhere from a few thousand dollars or result in multi-million dollar settlements,” notes injury attorney S. David Rosenthal, “the total amount awarded will vary depending on the factors related to each particular case.

Defective Parts Causes Your Injuries

Product liability claims can be complex. There are three different types of product liability that can cause injury: failure to warn, the product design is flawed or inherently dangerous, or the product has design defects. To help investigate your claim and build a strong case, it is in your best interest to hire an attorney.  

Hiring an attorney can help identify which party can be held liable for your injuries. In some cases, the manufacturer could be responsible for a defective part or the company itself could be responsible for designing an inherently dangerous product. 

You Cannot Afford the Mounting Costs Following an Accident

Some personal injury victims pay out of pocket for their treatment, which can run out quickly. If you are unable to afford medical treatment, working with an attorney can help.

An attorney can connect you with a medical professional who won’t charge upfront it you are unable to pay. The attorney can then work in conjunction with the medical professional to explore the extent of your injuries and help build your case to recover full and fair compensation. 

Liability is Questioned

Many times, the defendant or insurance company will fight hard to undermine a claim to avoid paying a claimant. This is done often, especially regarding liability. 

While it may seem clear who is at fault, going up against the defendant or insurance company’s legal team can be intense. Hiring a lawyer can help your prove your case, finding evidence to support your claim that the negligent party was liable for your injuries. 

You Don’t Receive a Fair Settlement Offer

Majority of personal injury cases settle before they progress to court. If you received an unsatisfactory settlement offer, a personal injury attorney can help. An attorney can help you fight for the compensation you deserve by bringing your case to court. 

While bringing your personal injury case to trial may take more time and be more expensive, it is worth the effort to recover the compensation you deserve after sustaining serious or permanent injuries. Many times, a personal injury lawyer will operate using a contingency fee, so you pay nothing unless you win your case. 

Speaking With an Attorney Can Help

If you are currently experiencing or have experienced any of the following five signs, contact an attorney in your area. Many attorneys offer free consultations to help you explore your legal rights and help you determine if you have a case. If you did not experience any of these signs, it still may be in your best interest to consult an attorney to help you prepare for what to expect.