Playgrounds can be lots of fun for children of all ages, but they can bring stress for parents due to the many safety hazards. With proper precaution and supervision, playgrounds can remain a fun and care-free place to play with your kids. This list is not an exhaustive list of the things you can do to keep your kids safe, but here are ten things you can do while at the playground or outdoor play center.

Inspect the Playground Before Playing

You must inspect the playground before letting your child onto it. All playgrounds should have guard rails when they are off the ground and also must have all parts properly attached. If any part of the playground looks like it was poorly manufactured, it is best to not let your child play on it because you don’t want them to fall or get injured. If your child suffers from an injury due to the way the playground was manufactured, you may want to contact a personal injury lawyer. They can offer advice on how to proceed and help you get the compensation you deserve for your child’s injury.

Many playgrounds are located in parks so they are likely to have nearby trees. You should inspect the full area surrounding the playground where your child will be playing to ensure there are no tree stumps or large rocks that they could trip over. Tripping and falling, especially onto a hard surface, can cause severe injuries. 

Report All Hazards

If you come across any obvious safety hazards such as broken equipment or dangerous materials, alert the owner of the playground or the city if it is a public playground. This not only ensures that your children remain safe but it helps ensure that the next kids to come to the playground will not come across dangerous equipment or hazards.

Avoid Playground with Non-Impact Absorbing Surfaces

Playgrounds with surfaces such as pebbles, concrete, and asphalt are not impact-absorbing which means that when a kid falls directly onto them, they are more likely to end up with a serious injury. Playgrounds that have wood chips, mulch, grass, or sand are the best because they are more likely to absorb the impact from a fall and lead to less serious injuries.

Choose Your Play Area Based on the Age of Your Child

Most playgrounds have lots of different play areas that range from easy to more difficult depending on your child’s skill level. For instance, a small child is most likely to have the most fun on a slide or a swing with full guidance by their parents, while an older child is more likely to want to play on the monkey bars or a rock wall. Make sure you take into account the age of your child before letting them run free-range.

Watch Your Children

It is most important to monitor your children at all times while at the playground no matter what age they are. Small children and babies will need hands-on attention at the playground, while older kids can play on their own but must be watched from a smart distance. You want to be immediately available to care for your child if they need your help or they have a small injury.