If you have been injured by Baby Jogger car seat adaptor for single strollers and the Baby Jogger City Mini GT single stroller, black. you are not alone. You may have a case against The Baby Jogger Company but you should speak to a lawyer if you are wanting to file a claim. The following is an incident that caused injury to a consumer and was reported.

Description of what happened:
I am writing to make you aware of a malfunction in the Baby Jogger car seat adaptor for its City Mini GT single stroller. I purchased the single car seat adapter from Babies R Us in Madison, Wisconsin in May 2014 so I could use my [REDACTED] with the City Mini GT stroller. Our baby was born in June 2014. In July 2014 my husband and I placed the adapter in the stroller and then placed the car seat in the adapter to go for a walk with our four week old. We had used the car seat with the stroller several times since our daughter’s birth without incident. Approximately 50 feet from our apartment the adapter and car seat fell off the stroller (the adapter was still attached to the stroller), hit the concrete pavement, and completely rolled over. Our newborn received scraps to her head and we spent the day in the emergency room so she could be observed to rule out head injury. We are obviously never going to use the adapter again and believe you should be aware of the malfunction. We believe the adapter was securely placed in the stroller and that the gray buttons on the side had “clicked.” As you will see from the attached photos, their is a piece of elastic cloth that partially covers both holes where the adapter is supposed to click in so that you hear and see a click but in fact the cloth is preventing the adapter from being fully secure. The photos even show an indentation where the adapter pressed against the cloth thereby preventing it from securing. The instruction manual makes no mention of needing to move the elastic to have the adapter fit securely. We feel the most important thing is for you to be aware of the malfunction so that no other babies get hurt or end up in the emergency room.

Who makes/sells this product?
The Baby Jogger Company

Brand / Model Name or Number
Baby Jogger / Car seat adaptor for single strollers

The victim here was a Female who was 0 years old.

If you or a family member have also been injured by Baby Jogger car seat adaptor for single strollers and the Baby Jogger City Mini GT single stroller, black. you may have a case. Fill out a free case evaluation request today.