If you have been injured by Jeep Liberty stroller you are not alone. You may have a case against Kolcraft Enterprises, Inc. but you should speak to a lawyer if you are wanting to file a claim. The following is an incident that caused injury to a consumer and was reported.

Description of what happened:
Husband was in the process of airing up the front tire on the jeep liberty stroller. He assessed the pressure In which, at this time the stroller tire then exploded in his face. It caused a lot of damage, which was assessed by an opthamologist at University of Kentucky. He was then diagnosed with. Hyphema and a corneal abraison. Date of incident was 2/23/2014

Who makes/sells this product?
Kolcraft Enterprises, Inc.

Brand / Model Name or Number
Jeep / 

The victim here was a Male who was 26 years old.

If you or a family member have also been injured by Jeep Liberty stroller you may have a case. Fill out a free case evaluation request today.