What is Monsanto’s RoundUp?

RoundUp is a weedkiller produced by Monsanto and has been widely used for a large number of years now since its development some 50 years ago. The main weed-killing ingredient in RoundUp is Glyphosate. The herbicide gained mass popularity and adoption because it is a non-selective weed killer, meaning it kills all plants it comes in contact with. Older methods involved using multiple products for the same task. 

| If you’ve been injured or have suffered complications from repeated use of RoundUp, you should definitely get checked by a medical professional and talk to a RoundUp lawsuit attorney

Link Between RoundUp and Cancer

There have been many studies linking RoundUp and its main ingredient: Glyphosate to a number of cancer diseases. The magnitude of the company and sheer resources that Monsanto has, coupled with the crazy amounts of money these products generate means they’ll use all resources possible to keep this product in the market. That’s why Monsanto has continuously maintained that glyphosate does not cause cancer in humans. The interesting part is that most of the research and studies conducted around Glyphosate was funded and, at times, authored by Monsanto. 

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has gathered a group of experts from all over the world to determine the potential dangers to humans from Glyphosate exposure. The committee concluded that Glyphosate is “probably” carcinogenic, meaning constant exposure to it could cause cancer.

What is Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma?

Sometimes referred to as just “Lymphoma”, The American Cancer Society describes Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma as a cancer that starts in white blood cells named lymphocytes, a part of our bodies’ immune system. 

After the cancer cells have developed, they begin spreading to other areas across the body.

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is commonly used to describe many types of lymphoma that exhibit similar characteristics.

B-Cell vs T-Cell Lymphomas

The most well-known types of Lymphoma are T-Cell & B-Cell. The difference is if the Lymphoma has started in B Lymphocytes or T Lymphocytes. They both are essential to the human immune system to function properly. 

  • B Lymphocytes (B Cells): responsible for creating proteins called antibodies. This helps the body fight bacteria and/or viruses. 
  • T Lymphocytes (T Cells): responsible for fighting abnormal cells in the body and germs, they also aid the other immune system cells. 

Who’s at Risk of Developing Cancer from RoundUp?

As a result of the wide-use of RoundUp since its introduction to the world in 1976, a large number of people across many different occupations and walks of life are at risk because of their exposure to the chemical. These people include:

  • Farmers and Agricultural Workers 
  • Groundskeepers
  • Landscapers
  • Homeowners 
  • Home Gardeners
  • And more

In essence, anyone who has used RoundUp to kill weeds anywhere could be at risk. Of course, the risk heightens the longer they’ve used the product. 

RoundUp Cases and Settlements 

There have been a large number of cases and settlements related to RoundUp exposure since the announcement of results by the IARC in 2015. Most notably, a California judge has awarded 2 Billion in damages for one of the cases. Here are the three recent verdicts for cases against Monsanto’s RoundUp:

  • Johnson v Monsanto 
    • August 2018
    • $289.2 million
  • Hardeman v Monsanto
    • February 2019
    • $80.2 million
  • Pilliod v Monsanto
    • May 2019
    • $2.055 billion