If you have been injured by Airzone Titan pogo stick. Black-yellow with yellow foam grips. BRAVO SPORTS 12/06/2011 – 054CH you are not alone. You may have a case against BRAVO SPORTS but you should speak to a lawyer if you are wanting to file a claim. The following is an incident that caused injury to a consumer and was reported.

Description of what happened:
We bought Airzone Titan pogo stick (black-yellow with yellow foam grips) in Toys”R”Us shop two months before the accident. My nine years old son was bouncing on the pogo stick when top holder of the spring (bolt) got out and the spring hit my son right in genital area. Fortunately there was no serious injuries (only cuts and bleeding) but we had to go to emergency room to make sure that everything is good. I believe the spring must be secured with no chances to get out of its place. Otherwise much more serious injuries can happen.

Who makes/sells this product?

Brand / Model Name or Number
Airzone / Airzone Titan pogo stick, black-yellow with yellow foam grip

The victim here was a Male who was 9 years old.

If you or a family member have also been injured by Airzone Titan pogo stick. Black-yellow with yellow foam grips. BRAVO SPORTS 12/06/2011 – 054CH you may have a case. Fill out a free case evaluation request today.