If you have been injured by Bugaboo Frog stroller. Black and silver you are not alone. You may have a case against Bugaboo International BV but you should speak to a lawyer if you are wanting to file a claim. The following is an incident that caused injury to a consumer and was reported.

Description of what happened:
I bought a bugaboo frog in 2010 from Buy Buy Baby. On January 30 2012 I Went to the mall with him strapped into the seat. We went from the parking lot to go up to a small curb when I pulled back the whole seat ejected causing my baby to fall face first on to the concrete curb. His pacifier was cracked in half and he was gushing blood from his mouth. It was one of the most traumatic things I have ever experienced as a mother. The hospital could not stitch the inside of his mouth and his top baby teeth where shoved back up in his gums. His gums bled, where badly bruised, and swollen for several days. I sent bugaboo an email in January of my concern and I heard back from them promptly. I was told they would speak to corporate about replacing my stroller and get back with me with in a week . They also mentioned the frog was discontinued and that they felt I was not going to make a case for them. It is now march and I have no word from them and I don’t think they took my claim seriously I think this stroller should be recalled and parents should know before another baby or child is injured I am unhappy with Bugaboo and the way they are handling the situation. I now own a stroller that I will not use ever again due to legitimate safety concerns.

Who makes/sells this product?
Bugaboo International BV

Brand / Model Name or Number
Bugaboo / Frog

The victim here was a Male who was 1 years old.

If you or a family member have also been injured by Bugaboo Frog stroller. Black and silver you may have a case. Fill out a free case evaluation request today.